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Living and working in Launceston, TAS
The North East of Tasmania is a picturesque destination. The turquoise sea enveloping pristine white beaches, precipitous mountains with their blanket of mist, ancient forests covered in dense green fauna, and charming country towns with their patchwork farmlands. And Launceston sits nestled here, at the breathtaking Tamar River estuary, with its narrow one-way streets huddled with stately houses, historic structures and resplendent buildings displaying diverse architectures from Victorian, Georgian, to art-deco.
Launceston is one of Australia’s oldest cities. The city lies approximately 45 kilometres south of the Bass Strait, and 99 kilometres north-west of Devonport.
Launceston combines spectacular ridges and rolling lowland areas. Cataract Gorge is the star attraction, sporting the longest single span chairlift in the world. Parks dot the city and the Tasmania Zoo, known for its wildlife conservation work is located close. The nearby Narawntapu National Park is home to a great variety of indigenous animals including the Tasmanian Devil.
Crisscrossed by a network of urban and rural roads, Launceston is well-connected. The city lies at the intersection of five major highways. Public buses ply regularly, and the services extend to towns across Tasmania. Passenger airlines operate flights from the Launceston Airport, and there are direct flights to Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Additionally, there is a freight rail system in operation here.
Healthcare and Medical Jobs in Launceston and North East, TAS
Launceston serves as a regional service hub for the entire North and North East of Tasmania, as well as a major retail centre. The agricultural and pastoral activities sustain the economy. Recently, viticulture practice in the rural North-East fringes has taken an important role and superfine wool is a prized product. Education, Tourism and Medical Services are growing sectors. Minerals and Manufacturing are small but crucial. Healthcare and Social Assistance is the top employer offering over 5,400 jobs.
Launceston showcases world-class healthcare facilities. Tasmania is the Primary Health Network (PHN) supporting the professionals in the area. The Launceston General Hospital is a large public hospital. St Luke’s Private Hospital and St Vincent’s Hospital are chief private facilities. The city supports the state’s medical retrieval service. The Royal Flying Doctor Service for the region is staffed by Ambulance Tasmania’s IC Paramedics and doctors from the Launceston General Hospital.
The low median housing prices at $338,000 per unit and median housing rents at $318 per week make living in Launceston highly affordable. As a vibrant city that offers the charm and idyllic pace of the old world alongside the facilities and infrastructure of a new age metropolitan, Launceston is ideal.
Do you wish to find a GP job, practice nurse job or other healthcare job in Launceston and North East Tasmania? Browse jobs here