
HealthcareLink Premium

HealthcareLink Premium offers unlimited job listings access, discounts on hiring support services, enhanced employer profiles, access to a talent community, priority support, and exclusive member benefits.

HealthcareLink Premium - What's Included?

Job Listings

Unlimited Jobs Listing Access

With Premium Access you get access to Unlimited Job Listings access to list all your job openings.

Unlimited Jobs Listing Access

Employer Branding

Premium Employer Profile Promotion

Your Premium employer profile is a unique page on the HealthcareLink website with your own brand's logo, video and brochure to share with jobseekers and build your connections and followers.

This Premium employer profile is actively promoted on the platform to members that match up with the profiles description and preferences, and highlighted in the employer search portal. Interested members can connect directly to your profile. Your job posts and articles also appear on your Employer Profile.

Premium Employer Profile Promotion

Premium Articles Publishing Access

Write thoughtful and highly relevant industry-related articles, reply to discussion points and become an employer of choice with our Premium Article Writing Tool Attract the right type of talent by showing them you care about the same issues.

Your articles are linked to your Employer profile, actively promoted via weekly/monthly newsletters to our members and on our newsfeed, and shown at the top of the list on our Industry News site. Your articles are only promoted to the exact type of members you'd like to show via tags and keywords that match their preferences.

Premium Articles Publishing Access

Premium Shared Posts Promotion Access

Want to spark discussion, or simply share some great news?

We have you covered with our Share Tool. Share your jobs, articles, images or videos with your connections and followers, and reply to their comments and feedback. This function is only available to Premium Employer members.

Premium Shared Posts Promotion Access

Talent Community

Talent Community & Professional Connections Access

Our talent community empowers you to create a pipeline of passive candidates who are interested in your company, but aren’t ready to apply to a position.

With Premium Employer Access you are provided with Professional Connections. This allows you to use our Professional Search Tool to browse through our member-base of over 150,000 healthcare & medical professionals and send a message to connect with them and get access to their profile.

Once the professional grants you access to their profile and connects with you, you are able to message them on the platform and engage in a conversation. Here you are free to invite them to an open position, save them in your future candidate pool, or make a personal connection.

Talent Community & Professional Connections Access


Premium Priority Support

You will receive priority support from your dedicated industry expert.

With Premium Membership Access not only do you get access to all of our platforms powerful features, you get a whole array of benefits priority support

Receive support from your dedicated account manager with Job Posts

Receive priority access to screened and credentialled candidates compared to standard Candidate Requests.

Premium Priority Support

Hiring Support Services

Discounted Candidate Sourcing Support Access

With Premium Access you get 10% discounts across all candidate connection fees.

You will also get monthly payment plan option with Candidate connection / placement fees.

Discounted Candidate Sourcing Support Access

Discounted Job Ad Promotion Access

With Premium Access not only do you get 50% discounts across all Job Ad Promotion credits.

Discounted Job Ad Promotion Access

Other Benefits

HealthcareLink Learning

As a HealthcareLink member you get exclusive and discounted access to online learning courses across a range of topics dedicated to your profession specific learning needs, delivered by a range of highly qualified learning provider partners.

HealthcareLink Learning

HealthcareLink Credentialing

As a HealthcareLink member you get discounted access to multiple credentialling option from our partners.

HealthcareLink Credentialing

HealthcareLink Partner Offers

As a HealthcareLink member you get exclusive access to partner offers from our partners.

HealthcareLink Partner Offers

HealthcareLink News & Insights

As a HealthcareLink member you get exclusive access to curated content.

HealthcareLink News & Insights

HealthcareLink Premium - Pricing

HealthcareLink Premium offers unlimited job listings access, discounts on hiring support services, enhanced employer profiles, access to a talent community, priority support, and exclusive member benefits.
Included Services
Job Listings

Job Listing Access

Employer Branding
Employer Profile Listing
Article Listing
Shared Post
Talent Community
Search Professional
Basic Support (Email Only)
Hiring Support Services
$395 per Job Ad Promotion Support Credit
Other Benefits
Exclusive access to partner offers
Exclusive access to curated content
Included Services
Job Listings

Job Listing Access

Employer Branding
Employer Profile Listing
Article Listing
Shared Post
Talent Community
Search Professional
Basic Support (Email Only)
Hiring Support Services
Get 50% Discount on Job Ad Promotion Support Credits
Other Benefits
Exclusive access to partner offers
Exclusive access to curated content

Our Latest Premium Employers

Only $79* per month, your premium access is only a few clicks away