First GP Wallsend
Employer Business Type
Profile Summary
“The FistGP is committed to providing comprehensive General Practice care to all patients of the best possible standard whilst incorporating a holistic approach toward diagnosis and management of illness through clinical excellence.”
Special Interests / Key Therapy Areas
Area Classification
Area Insights
Monday to Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 8.30am - 12.30pm
Public holidays: Closed
Normal Opening Hours:
After Hours GP Access: 1300 130 147
John Hunter Emergency Department: 02 49 213 000
Emergency: 000
Monday to Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 8.30am - 12.30pm
Public holidays: Closed
Normal Opening Hours:
After Hours GP Access: 1300 130 147
John Hunter Emergency Department: 02 49 213 000
Emergency: 000
Work Culture
Why work with us
The philosophy of the practice is to provide our patients with the best possible care recognising the patient as being the most important person in the practice and where we work in an ethical, legal and responsible manner without any discrimination, with mutual respect for each other's abilities and functions and excellent medical care through:
Keeping up to date with advances in medicine and practice evidence base medicine
Fully computerised records and other technologies to support comprehensive care
Continuing practice quality improvements
Teaching the next generation of doctors by participating in training of medical students and new GPs.
Emphasising prevention of illness as a higher ideal than the actual treatment of it.
Keeping up to date with advances in medicine and practice evidence base medicine
Fully computerised records and other technologies to support comprehensive care
Continuing practice quality improvements
Teaching the next generation of doctors by participating in training of medical students and new GPs.
Emphasising prevention of illness as a higher ideal than the actual treatment of it.
Team Size
Employed Medical Doctors
Employed Admin and Management Professionals
Business Address
12 Bulkara Street,
Wallsend NSW 2287, Australia
Past (Expired) jobs posted by First GP Wallsend
VR GP REQUIRED, Wallsend - Newcastle, NSW, practice with a loyal patient base.
Job Classification
General Practice / GP
Posted By:
Job Type:
Independent / Associate
% on Billings - 60% to 65%
Start Timeframe:
Posted Date:
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