Blackburn Clinic
The Blackburn Clinic is a Family Medical Practice that was established by Professor Neil Carson in 1952.
The Clinic was completely rebuilt in 1992 as part of the Victorian Medical Group development, and now offers a comprehensive range of Family Medicine Services. We are also a Licensed Travel Vaccination Centre.
We are committed to providing the highest level of medical care for all patients, of varying ages and needs.
The Clinic is affiliated as a teaching practice with Monash University and the University of Melbourne, and is an accredited training practice with the Royal Australian College of General Practice. We take Registrars from the Eastern Victoria GP Training Provider -we train qualified Doctors to become excellent GPs!
MISSIONProviding exceptional healthcare to our community.
VISIONTo be the premier provider of healthcare to our local community and beyond by caring for the whole person for their entire life.
VALUESCommitment to exceptional patient care;
Compassion for the concerns of our patients;
Teamwork in delivering our services;
Security of employment ensured by our success;
Integrity underpinning all of our decisions;
Education our doctors, staff and students; and
Inspiring them to achieve their goals.
ACCREDITATIONBlackburn Clinic is a fully accredited practice with Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited, the body set up by the Government and the profession to foster high standards of general practice. Patient medical records could be confidentially reviewed as part of our accreditation process by AGPAL surveyors.
In 2012 we celebrated 60 years of excellence in General Practice.
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