Intelligent Screening
Take control of your health
For too long getting access to your most important health data and keeping track of key changes has been out of your hands. We believe complicated systems, waiting lists, medical jargon and confusing results are getting in the way of you being proactive about your health.
We provide online access to the tools, insight and medical expertise to help you make better health decisions, avoid preventable illness and work towards optimum health and wellbeing.
You’re in good hands
Your samples are collected and analysed by our trusted partner pathology laboratories who are accredited by the National Association Testing Authority (NATA) in Australia. Your results are interpreted by our experienced medical professionals meaning you can be confident of a safe and reliable service.
Secure and confidential
Your information is managed in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) using the latest encryption technologies. We are committed to protecting your personal information and only share your data with our medical professionals who review your results within our platform. Our doctors have an ethical, professional and legal duty to respect your rights to privacy meaning you can be sure of complete discretion and confidentiality.