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Hawl Healthcare

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HAWL stands for the Healthy Ageing, the Wellbeing and the quality
of Living for residents of aged care facilities.

At HAWL we understand that making a decision to relocate to a residential aged care facility (RACF) is never easy. It’s not just about a lifestyle choice or a “new home”. It’s a big decision that can invoke all sorts of emotions, such as anxiety, guilt, fear, loss of control or even relief.

Which is why at HAWL, our focus is on an all-encompassing approach to health in the aged care sector for all the participants involved. At HAWL we are pioneering a proprietary concept in healthcare services to the elderly population who reside in residential aged care facilities.

GP services and nursing

One of the most significant factors in providing quality residential aged care is to ensure that there is sufficient medical expertise provided by skilled practitioners at the RACF. Aged-care residents, particularly those in high care, need readily available access to a doctor – perhaps more than any other members of society. HAWL excels in this sector because we deliver a unique approach in providing support to general practitioners and nurses who offer their services to residents living in RACFs.

Our Team
Business Address
Burswood WA 6100, Australia
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