Infinitive Health Wellness Centre
Employer Business Type
Special Interests / Key Therapy Areas
Billing Type
Bulk Billing
Softwares Used
Area Classification
Why work with us
Infinitive Health is a modern, ethical and evidence based practice located in the heart of the rapidly growing City of Kwinana, Western Australia. We have psychologists, exercise physiologists, chiropractors, massage therapists, podiatrists - basically all health aspects covered except for a General Practitioner.
Each of our practitioners is able to address specific areas of need except for being able to provide - prescriptions, vaccinations, care plans, mental health care plans, referrals to specialists and so on!! Are you able to work as a GP without supervision? Perhaps you know someone who would complete our team?
Each of our practitioners is able to address specific areas of need except for being able to provide - prescriptions, vaccinations, care plans, mental health care plans, referrals to specialists and so on!! Are you able to work as a GP without supervision? Perhaps you know someone who would complete our team?
Team Size
Employed Allied Health Professionals
Employed Admin and Management Professionals
Past (Expired) jobs posted by Infinitive Health Wellness Centre
large modern treatment room
large patient base waiting
full front desk support
multi-modality centre
pathology/diagnostics closeby
2 regional hospital
Job Classification
General Practice / GP
Posted By:
Infinitive Health Wellness Centre
Job Type:
Part Time
% on Billings - 65% to 70%
Start Timeframe:
Posted Date: