Horsham Doctors
Medical Appointments Please phone the practice for an appointment or book online 24/7 using our easy online booking page. Emergencies will be given priority. Please notify our receptionist if longer consultations are required for multiple issues or procedures, as this may affect billing and time. We do request one hours’ notice to move or cancel your appointment. Repeat Prescriptions, Referrals and Test Results It is the policy of the clinic that no referrals, prescriptions or test results may be ordered over the counter at reception. Patients have the option of either making an appointment with a doctor to request these or a request for these may be made using the telehealth or specific prescription/referral request within the online booking options on our website or app. Please be aware that these online services may incur a fee and you will need to allow up to 5 working days for request to be processed. Test results, or information regarding test results, cannot be given out over the phone. Zero Tolerance This medical practice has a Zero Tolerance for abusive or threatening behaviour directed against staff or patients. This includes shouting, swearing, threats, name calling, racist comments and inappropriate gestures. Without exception, abusers will be required to leave the clinic immediately and transfer their medical care to another practice. Refusal to leave will result in the police being called.
Mon to Thurs: 8:00 AM- 6.00 PM
Sat to Sun: 10:00 AM- 6:00 PM
All calls are answered by Australian registered, Family Doctor general practitioners and are available for any patients who require medical care during the after hours period. The after hours periods are 6 pm each weeknight, to 8 am the following morning, and all day/night Saturdays, Sundays and all Public Holidays. The video telehealth platform means the after hours doctors can visualise your symptoms and can give advice accordingly, all from the comfort of your own home.