Lawson Physiotherapy & Pilates
Lawson Physiotherapy and Pilates (formerly Upper Mountains Physiotherapy) was founded in 2015 and enjoys a solid reputation for caring, professional and specialised physiotherapy treatments.
We work across many different fields including musculoskeletal and sports physiotherapy, continence/pelvic floor physiotherapy, rehabilitation and neurological physiotherapy and clinical Pilates.
We employ evidence based and individualised treatment plans that bring our clients positive results and health outcomes.
The conditions we manage range from post-stroke rehabilitation, chronic low back pain, pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain, shin splints, patella instability, neck pain, acute shoulder pain, urgency urinary incontinence, stress urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and idiopathic toe-walking in toddlers.
Lawson Physiotherapy and Pilates proudly provides services to visitors and residents of Mount Victoria, Blackheath, Katoomba, Leura, Wentworth Falls, Bullaburra, Lawson, Hazelbrook, Linden, Faulconbridge and surrounding suburbs.