IPC Health
IPC Health is one of the largest providers of community health service in Victoria. IPC Health exists so that communities are healthy and well.
Individuals through a single point of contact can connect to a full spectrum of care and support using consistent approaches including those of our partners.
We provide good value to our stakeholders for the services we provide to the community.
We operate from six sites in Melbourne's West and employ 400 staff with an annual budget of $37 million. Melbourne's West has a population of circa 900,000 and the three Local Government Areas in which IPC Health is focused is growing rapidly. We know that our communities have numerous needs,some of them complex, but all are addressable by delivering services close to home, in a culturally relevant way, and that keep them out of hospital,or other high-acuity services. Our primary vision,therefore, is to make the highest quality primary health care accessible to all who need it.
This involves us in many areas of work in addition to core service delivery. We will work with our partners to improve health literacy, to make the system more integrated and more navigable for people, especially those who are hard to reach,or whose health literacy is low.
A key to great service provision is our ability to use our assets, our people, and our information well,and we have a great deal planned in each of these areas, to enable us to respond to emerging needs in an agile way.
Our need to modernise rapidly means that we have already commenced significant reviews of every area of our operations. We also are placing tremendous emphasis on becoming a valued partner and have already been reaching out to a myriad of organisations and groups who share our objectives for a healthier West.
At this time of change and opportunity, we look forward to working with many of you, in our diverse communities, so that we can maximise and grow our resources, and our impact, together.
IPC Health is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and is managed by an Executive Management Team who reports to the Chief Executive Officer who in turn reports to our Board. The Board consists of Community Representative Directors (two for each of our three Local Government Areas) and Directors with a range of specialist skills.
We provide a diverse range of services to the community including - General Medical and Dental Services, Home-based Aged Care, Family Services case management, Alcohol and Drug counselling, Gambler's Help counselling, Generalist counselling, Financial Counselling, Acquired Brain Injury case management and ABI community-based recreational programs, Allied health therapy services and Health Promotion.
IPC Health complies with a range of healthcare standards and is accredited accordingly by Quality, Innovation, Performance (QIP) . We work to improve quality and seek to continuously improve all our services.