Wycombe Dental
Our Dental Practice has evolved from the originalpractice operated by Dr Hicks in Military Road from the 1930s.
Dr Richard Deakins purchased Dr Hicks practice after returning from war duties in the 1940s. He took a partner, Dr Richard Mounstephens and in 1962 they moved to premises above the medical practice of Dr Finch and Partners at 153 Wycombe Rd.
Dr Christopher Gorman joined the partnership in 1988 when Dr Deakins retired and Dr Michael Stolz joined on the retirement of Dr Mounstephens in 2006.
In 2012 Drs Gorman and Stolz, as Wycombe Dental, moved into premises which had been purpose built by Dr Phillip Green in 1981. The site had housed a dental surgery since 1920 and Dr Green had practiced there from 1948 to 1980 when the building was demolished to widen Military Road.
From 1981- 2006 Dr David Gray operated from here, in the latter years as Junction Dental.