Riverina Cancer Care Centre
The Centre has been established to offer patients in the Riverina & Beyond excellence in cancer care whilst eliminating the need to travel long distances. This allows patients in the region to receive the best possible cancer treatment available whilst remaining close to their home, family and friends. The Riverina Cancer Care Centre not only makes Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy services accessible but also acts as a catalyst to improve medical services in the region, particularly Oncology, Neuro-surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery and ENT.
The combination of state of the art technology and highly-skilled staff, highlights the Riverina Cancer Care Centre's leadership in excellence in care, not only in Australia but worldwide. Further it is a model upon which future regional cancer care centres in Australia have been developed.
The Riverina Cancer Care Centre recognises the importance of education. Consequently through affiliations with institutions such as University of New South Wales, University of Sydney, University of Newcastle and Charles Sturt University the Centre will be utilised for the purpose of teaching and training students and may also be involved in student initiated trials and research.
The Riverina Cancer Care Centre has been accredited with The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards , Australia's leading independent authority on healthcare, since opening in 2002 but in 2014 was the first time the centre had been assessed against the new National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards established by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. ACHS accreditation sends a clear message to the community that RCCC, its management and staff, are committed to excellence in health care with a strong and continuous focus on safety, quality and performance. We are aware that consumers today demand high standards of health care and are pleased and proud that the Riverina Cancer Care Centre has been recognised for meeting this expectation.
The Riverina Cancer Care Centre has been made possible through the formation of several cooperative partnerships. The Riverina Cancer Care Centre has provided the equipment and staffing and is responsible for the running and ongoing maintenance of the centre. The Little Company of Mary Health Care (Calvary Hospital) has made available the land upon which the centre has been built and the Riverina Cancer Care Centre Community Trust has facilitated the community's fundraising efforts to allow a centre of this magnitude and quality to be built and extensions such as the conference facilities to happen.
The NSW Cancer Council and CanAssist provide accommodation for those patients who require lodgings whilst on treatment at Lilier Lodge.
On behalf of the thousands of patients to be treated at the Centre, thank you to all those who helped make the dream of a comprehensive cancer care centre in regional NSW a reality.
Tony H Noun