Nulsen Disability Services
Why we exist: To enable people with complex disabilities to lead the life they want while maintaining their well being.
What we do: We collaborate with people with complex disabilities and their families so they have the opportunity of a good life with choice and control over the services they receive.
Our values:
We are courageous
We have the strength to embrace challenges with conviction. That was true of our founding parents over 60 years ago, and it’s true today.
We are accountable
We have integrity. We do the right thing even when it’s hard. We do what we say we will, and we take responsibility for our actions.
We collaborate
We listen, we say how it is with care and respect, and we work together so those we support can live the life they want.
We are adaptable
We have a ‘can do’ attitude in the way we respond to customers so that they receive the services and support they seek.
Nulsen Disability Services have appointed ANSON Consulting, to support the implementation of a village model structure across our organisation. The Nulsen Village model is a new Nulsen way of delivering exceptional service to residents and families which will also benefit our workforce.
Our Guiding PrinciplesOur guiding principles sit at the centre of our commitment to providing outstanding services for people with profound disabilities. Our courage and passion for nurturing people sees us dedicated to the growth and development of residents and staff.
Frank Anderson was a railway signalman whose young wife Gwen was on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Gwen was struggling to cope, unaided, with the needs of their microcephalic baby daughter, as well as caring for their other children.
Board of DirectorsThe Nulsen team includes our patron, board directors, executive, support workers, other staff, volunteers and supporters. All of whom are are dedicated to providing the best possible disability services to the residents.
National Standards for Disability ServicesAt the 18 December 2013 meeting of the Standing Council on Disability Reform, ministers from all jurisdictions endorsed the revised National Standards for Disability Services (NSDS). Continue Reading
Our SupportersNulsen Disability Services is very fortunate to work with some amazing people and organisations to help us achieve our purpose of optimising the quality of life for people living with disability. Continue Reading
PublicationsRead up on our Annual Reports or discover “This is where my life took me…” memoirs by Eric Goddard.