Tullamarine Complete Health Centre
Employer Business Type
Profile Summary
Tullamarine Complete Health Centre is a General Practice Clinic located in Tullamarine, Victoria. It has several Doctors (GPs), Allied Health professionals (Dietician, Dentist, Psychologist, Podiatrist, Physiotherapist, etc) and several Practice Nurses.
Due to increasing patient numbers, the clinic requires more doctors. Being in a DWS location, the practice is suitable for doctors who are in need of a DWS practice. Pls email us: tchc8486gmail.com
Billing Type
Bulk Billing
Softwares Used
Genie Solutions
Area Classification
Why work with us
Professional and Friendly Team
High % Billings - earnings
DWS location
Long term opportunity to develop own patients
High % Billings - earnings
DWS location
Long term opportunity to develop own patients
Team Size
Employed Medical Doctors
Employed Oral Health Professionals
Employed Nursing Professionals
Employed Allied Health Professionals
Employed Admin and Management Professionals