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Jackie Burke Psychology & Consulting

Employer Profile
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~ About Us ~
At Jackie Burke Psychology & Consulting, we focus around effectively preventing and responding to traumatisation especially interpersonally perpetrated trauma including violence, abuse, harassment, and bullying. We have a strong reputation for such work. Each member of our team is not only trauma-informed (able to deliver services using principles that seek to avoid exacerbating trauma impacts) but also trauma specialist (specialising in effectively identifying and resolving trauma impacts), and we have a combined 85 years of experience delivering training programs and working clinically with people who have been subjected to violence, abuse, harassment or bullying. This experience provides us with a rich understanding of the impacts of such events as well as extensive experience at managing triggering, facilitating active and effective participation in our services.
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Employed Allied Health Professionals
Employed Admin and Management Professionals
Business Address
Level 1, 75 Willoughby Rd,,
Crows Nest NSW 2065, Australia
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