Tic Tac Toe Early Childhood Psychology
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Profile Summary
This game dates back to Ancient Egypt times and was even played during the Roman Empire. The games grid markings have apparently been found chalked all over Rome. With this kind of history, no doubt it has been a part of almost everyone's childhood. It is a seemingly simple game between two people, one using X and one using O, within a 3 x 3 grid. The first one to get all three symbols in a row, whether it's diagonal, horizontal, or vertical, wins the game!
As a child, I remember thinking “this time I will win, let's play again!†It's interesting that when trying to win, it would inevitably lead to a loss as I wouldn't block my opponents move. It's only once we grow a little more, we realise the game will always end in a draw.
Quite often, as parents we can forget to meet our child where they are at cognitively. We may jump many steps ahead rather than travelling the journey of the present moment. Playing this game with my own children was repetitive but necessary. Not only was I allowing my children to come to their own conclusions, I was sitting in the moment, co-regulating and strengthening our relationship. The same can be said for developing play skills, communication skills and reaching many other developmental milestones. Whilst repetition assists in building new neural pathways and strengthening previously learnt skills. The space created around this learning is safe, secure and child led. Allowing a space for frustration and co-regulating through new experiences. Whether in the context of learning, playing or just moving through the activities of daily life and routines.
Tic Tac Toe's mission is delivering high quality evidence-based support and therapy for children and their families. Tic Tac Toe delivers intervention that is individualised and acknowledges each child's unique abilities. Utilising a strengths based approach that aims to empower both children and their families so that each child is able to reach their full potential.
Tic Tac Toe is led by psychologist and Founder, Maree Paris. Maree is a highly trained and experienced early childhood psychologist located in the City of Glen Eira.
As a child, I remember thinking “this time I will win, let's play again!†It's interesting that when trying to win, it would inevitably lead to a loss as I wouldn't block my opponents move. It's only once we grow a little more, we realise the game will always end in a draw.
Quite often, as parents we can forget to meet our child where they are at cognitively. We may jump many steps ahead rather than travelling the journey of the present moment. Playing this game with my own children was repetitive but necessary. Not only was I allowing my children to come to their own conclusions, I was sitting in the moment, co-regulating and strengthening our relationship. The same can be said for developing play skills, communication skills and reaching many other developmental milestones. Whilst repetition assists in building new neural pathways and strengthening previously learnt skills. The space created around this learning is safe, secure and child led. Allowing a space for frustration and co-regulating through new experiences. Whether in the context of learning, playing or just moving through the activities of daily life and routines.
Tic Tac Toe's mission is delivering high quality evidence-based support and therapy for children and their families. Tic Tac Toe delivers intervention that is individualised and acknowledges each child's unique abilities. Utilising a strengths based approach that aims to empower both children and their families so that each child is able to reach their full potential.
Tic Tac Toe is led by psychologist and Founder, Maree Paris. Maree is a highly trained and experienced early childhood psychologist located in the City of Glen Eira.
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Monday 9 AM-5 PM
Tuesday 9 AM-5 PM
Wednesday 9 AM-5 PM
Thursday 9 AM-5 PM
Friday 9  AM-1 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9 AM-5 PM
Tuesday 9 AM-5 PM
Wednesday 9 AM-5 PM
Thursday 9 AM-5 PM
Friday 9  AM-1 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
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