BASScare, a proudly independent, aged care, not for profit organisation. BASScare (Boroondara Aged Services Society) began in 1956 as Canterbury Citizens Welfare Committee. It was formed following recognition by community members that the elderly within the community who were not part of a mainstream church body were often socially isolated, required some assistance and were, in many ways, neglected.
Today BASScare operates an integrated program of services including meals-on-wheels, residential care facilities, respite care and dementia specific services – as well as planned activity groups at day centres, for older people who wish to remain active and engaged with their local communities.
At BASScare, we actively engage with clients, their families, friends and carers to determine their expectations of care and provide the best possible level of residential and community services.
BASScare is focused on putting the integrity and dignity of those for whom we care first and foremost. We are committed to providing quality services to assist clients to maintain independence and achieve a greater quality of life.