Southern Dental Care
“Accreditation provides quality and performance assurance for consumers. Achieving Accreditation demonstrates a commitment to the provision of excellent dental care and continuous quality improvement within the practice environment.” (Quality Innovation Performance)
“Accreditation is independent recognition that an organisation, program or activity meets the requirements of defined criteria or standards. Accreditation is an internationally recognised evaluation process used to assess the quality of care and services provided in a range of areas including health care.
Accreditation is awarded by an independent accrediting agency (QIP – Quality Innovation Performance) once a practice has submitted evidence demonstrating compliance with the National Safety and Quality in Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.
Accreditation leads practices to systematically demonstrate to an independent accreditation agency that the practice is compliant with existing national, state and territory legislation and guidelines.” (ADA NSW)
The six dentally relevant NSQHS Standards provide a nationally consistent statement about the level of care consumers can expect from health services. The Standards provide evidence-based improvement strategies and include:
The voluntary Accreditation process took VC Dental twelve months to complete. We were awarded accreditation on 4th June 2014 following the documentation and strategies showing that we have complied with the highest standards relevant to a dental practice. The accreditation process, however, does not end here. It is an ongoing process where continual compliance and improvement is required.
VC Dental is devoted to this process as we are committed to providing the highest quality health care to our patients.
- Governance for safety and quality in health service organisations
- Partnering with consumers
- Preventing and controlling healthcare associated infections
- Medication safety
- Patient identification and procedure matching
- Clinical Handover