GP West
About G P West |
"Gpwest" started by Dr Kiran Puttappa, a practicing GP with great passion to general practice, who owns number of medical centres in perth area. GP West is the trading name of Puttappa pty Ltd. With Dr Kiran Puttappa's vast first hand clinical experience as a Medical Registrar, Psychiatry Registrar, senior Examiner to RACGP, Clinical Lecturer at UWA and with a recent Stint as a Board member of RACGP ( WA Faculty),the work environment, recruitment process and advice is made much easier and friendly for doctors who are looking for new opportunities. He has been recently appointed as Panel member of AHPRA. We welcome IMGS, locally trained doctors and practicing GPs who need a change. we always need doctors as we are expanding our state of the art medical centres. |
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