HealthcareLink’s Partner, ProsperaMed, provides the products and services mentioned on this page. This page does not offer any advice or recommendations; all the information listed here is for informational purposes only. Please contact ProsperaMed here for details.
ProsperaMed is a division of Acumen Money and trading name of Money Done Smart Pty Ltd (ABN 78 644 650 340), operating under AFSL 526 972 of Acumen Investors and holds Credit Representative number 547 918. Please see our Privacy Policy and Disclosures on our website.
Any advice contained in this website is general in nature only, it is not personal financial advice and is not intended to provide commercial, financial, investment, accounting, tax or legal advice. This means that it has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Thus, before any investment or credit decision is made based on the content of this email, an Investment, Financial Services or Credit Adviser should be consulted or you need to consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.
Please note that only some of Acumen Money’s Advisers provide advice on both financial services and products and lending, whilst others may only be authorised for either financial services and products or lending.
Please note that HealthcareLink receives a referral fee for successful application of loans