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Carbal Medical Services

Business / Practice Details
Business / Provider Type
Service Provider
Services Offered
Clinical Engagement, Education
Business / Provider Profile

Carbal Medical Services provides high quality, sustainable and comprehensive primary health care service with a balance of clinical and population health programs that are culturally safe, responsive to community needs, and integrated with other complementary service providers. Carbal will make a significant and growing contribution towards achieving equity in health outcomes for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who fall under Carbal's service area. Carbal services Darling Downs, Southern Downs & Goondiwinidi Region.

Why us

Carbal is incredibly proud and honoured to be recognised by several peak bodies representing Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander organisations in Queensland and Australia. All awards are accepted on behalf of all Carbal employees and we are most fortunate to have a staff whose expertise and commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of our mob makes the Board of Carbal extremely proud of what we have all achieved together. We are also grateful to the Carbal community for the faith and trust they continue to show in us as we work towards eliminating the gap in health outcomes for all First Nations people.

Business Address
Toowoomba QLD 4350, Australia
Social Media
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Speciality Classification
Medical Doctors
Posted By
Carbal Medical Services
Learning/CPD Type
Service Provider Partner Type
Service Provider

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