Compassionate Connections - The Vital Role of Carers in Suicide Postvention

Speciality Classification
Allied Health
Start Date
End Date
Time / Duration
1 Hour and 30 Minutes
Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW)

Did you know that there are currently 2.7 million unpaid carers in Australia who provided care to the estimated replacement value of AUD $60.3 billion

Live Online Webinar


Capability Level: Evolving


Did you know that there are currently 2.7 million unpaid carers in Australia who provided care to the estimated replacement value of AUD $60.3 billion? Some of this care is provided to people in suicidal crisis or following suicide attempt. Family members and friends provide most of the day-to-day support needed by those experiencing suicidal crisis, many of those will seek the support of a social worker.


In this webinar, Associate Professor Sarah Wayland provides space for social workers to discuss and understand best practice interventions that recognise the critical role that family members and friends play in supporting people through periods of acute suicidality. The evidence tells us that family members and friends describe feeling ill equipped for these roles given the gravity of the situation.


The learning activities in the webinar will focus on how family members and friends are often required to support implementation of safety plans, including things such as reducing access to lethal means of suicide, in the home environment and increasing supervision and monitoring of a person’s safety and wellbeing during high-risk periods – colloquially known as ‘suicide watch’. The webinar will present the evidence that identifies the ambiguity as to how to keep a home ‘safe’ for a person post suicide attempt and how this can create significant adverse impacts on caregivers’ wellbeing as well as the dynamics between the person needing care and the person tasked with caring. Attendees will learn about the role of the social worker in safety planning, and the holding of space for the families and friends wanted to provide assistance.


Who should attend?


This information session provides advice to social workers in hospital or community settings who provide support and practical information to assist caregiving. The session will focus on the current evidence base that identifies a pressing need to provide clearer direction and guidance to family members and friends about suicide watch and to improve the supports available during these periods of time that recognises informal carers as integral members of suicide intervention activities.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:


  • Gain insight into the personal experiences of informal caregivers supporting individuals in suicidal crises.


  • Explore the distinct contributions of social workers in discharge planning and community interventions during the critical period between a suicide attempt and ongoing support establishment.


  • Evaluate and consider how effective support regarding suicide monitoring at home can be improved through the involvement of social workers.


Modules / Topics

Learning Session 1

A review of the lived experience of caring (30 Minutes) Gain insight into the personal experiences of informal caregivers supporting individuals in suicidal crises.

Learning Activity 1: Interactive group discussion with Brainstorming


Learning Session 2

What do we mean when we say ‘just keep an eye on them (35 Minutes) Evaluate and consider how effective support regarding suicide monitoring at home can be improved through the involvement of social workers.

Learning Activity 2: Case scenario with Mind mapping

Learning Session 3

The role of the social worker in bridging the divide and acknowledging power imbalances between the patient and the family (25 Minutes) Explore the distinct contributions of social workers in discharge planning and community interventions during the critical period between a suicide attempt and ongoing support establishment.

Learning Activity 3: Miro Map to identify social work led health promotion tools

Compassionate Connections - The Vital Role of Carers in Suicide Postvention
Speciality Classification
Allied Health
Time / Duration
1 Hour and 30 Minutes
Start Date
End Date
Start Time
10:30 am
Price Details
Members Price $60 Non-Members Price $120
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