The Importance Of Leadership And Management course for Dental Practice

This session explores the roles that leaders and managers play in a dental care system. In particular, the session will look at the importance of leadership and management and how they change at different levels within a system.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Describe the leadership and management roles within the dental professions
- Recognise the importance that both roles play at the different levels within the dental system
- Identify leadership and management factors contributing to success
The dental care system today is very different from that of 10 years ago. It is more than likely that today's system will be very different to that which will exist in 10 years time.
Before commencing this session you should have completed the following e-Den session in Module 12 :
- The Need for Effective Leadership and Management/The Difference Between Leadership And Management (141-0467)
Russ Ladwa BDS (Lon), LDSRCS, MGDS, RCS(Eng), DGDP, FFGDP(UK) is a practising GDP and Dean of FGDP(UK). Previously he was Deputy Director of the Leadership and Management Course at FGDP(UK).

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