Teamworking In a Multidisciplinary Team course for Dental Practice

This session will describe the General Dental Council's (GDC) expectations for multidisciplinary teams (MDT). It will also review how consent for treatment should be obtained in MDT.
Learning objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- explain the significance of the GDC’s guidance Standards for Dental Teams on teamworking
- identify the type of patient who would benefit from multidisciplinary team (MDT) care and explain why
- describe a MDT team and the roles of the various team members
- explain how consent is obtained in MDT
This session will outline how a dental team may be constituted. This will include reflecting on the range of possibilities as well as hospital multidisciplinary teams.
Before commencing this session you should have completed e-Den sessions:
- Module 11 Professionalism/Ethics/The GDC and professional conduct (141-0458)
- Module 1 Patient assessment/Good practice/An introduction to consent (141-0005)
Read: The GDC Standards Guidance Standards for the Dental Team
Stephen is a full time dento-legal adviser for Dental Protection Ltd. He is also a Specialist in Oral Surgery. He qualified in 1984 and worked in fulltime hospital practice until 1989. Between 1989 and 2000, he worked part-time in the Oral and Maxillofacial Unit in Oxford. He had his own practice which he started in 1991, which was a mixture of general and referral practice. He obtained a Masters degree in Medical Law in 2005.
Stephen is also part of the Module Editorial Team at e-Den, and is the Module Editor for Module 10 Communication, and Module 11 Professionalism.

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