Stress Response and Health Breakdown

This unit of study aims to expand the student’s undergraduate understanding of applied clinical physiology to that of an advanced level. This is achieved through the linking of complex theoretical concepts to clinical practice by utilisation of diverse clinical case scenarios. The students are required to analyse, rationalise and evaluate normal versus abnormal physiology and validate patient management in light of findings. This unit of study provides a strong foundational platform for students wishing to explore specialist areas of nursing.
Hours of Study: 150
Credit Points : 6
This unit has no pre-requisites and is suitable for ENs
Theme 1: Cell metabolism and principles of homeostasis
Review aspects of cellular structure, function and metabolism related to optimal physiologic function.
Theme 2: Respiration and ventilation
Discuss the role of homeostasis in maintaining health and its impact on health breakdown.
Theme 3: Acid - base balance and ABGs
Integrate advanced physiological principles related to assessment, findings and clinical management of people with respiratory and haemodynamic disorders
Theme 4: Haemodynamic stability
Critically evaluate the neuro-endocrine impact of stress responses on multiple body systems as it progresses from acute to chronic phase
Theme 5: Stress response in health and illness
Analyse the physiology of pain as a stressor and the related pain pathways involved in acute and chronic pain perception.
Theme 6: Immunology concepts
Explain the principles of pharmaco-therapy used in managing common respiratory, cardiovascular and neuro- endocrine disorders.
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