Principles of Palliative Care Nursing
This unit of study is designed for nurses working in a variety of settings such as general wards, specialist oncology and haematology units, outpatient departments, acute care, palliative care and the community. Content covers symptoms control and clinical management guidelines used in palliative care, including various forms of pain, problems related to respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, wound care and the psychosocial effect on patients. Strategies are explored to develop nursing skills in holistic assessment and planning appropriate evidence based care to enable the best possible quality of life for patients and their families.
Hours of Study: 150
Credit Points : 6
This unit has no pre-requisites and is suitable for ENs
Theme 1: Introduction to palliative care
Demonstrate knowledge of the standards and principles underpinning a supportive care approach to palliative nursing care.
Theme 2: Special patient populations
Discuss the impact of disease trajectory and symptom management of patients requiring palliative/supportive care across the lifespan.
Theme 3: Quality of life
Critically appraise the nurses role in the provision of care for special patient populations.
Theme 4: Holistic care
Explore various strategies and models of care available for managing individuals with advanced disease in a range of environments and settings.
Theme 5: Introduction to communication in palliative care
Reflect on the role of resilience, effective communication and patient and family education on the outcomes of care.
- Sexual Health | Viral hepatitis | Hepatitis B: Na...
- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
- Posted Date: 2025-01-11
- Location:Online
- This session describes the natural history and presentation of patients with either acute or chronic hepatitis B virus infection, and the investigations required.
- Sexual Health | Viral hepatitis | Hepatitis A: Na...
- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
- Posted Date: 2025-01-11
- Location:Online
- This sessions describes the natural history and management of someone with hepatitis A.
- Sexual Health | Viral hepatitis | The Presentatio...
- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
- Posted Date: 2025-01-11
- Location:Online
- This sessions describes the basic approach to be taken with someone with infectious hepatitis: the history, the examination and baseline investigations.
- Sexual Health | Genital infestations | Scabies and...
- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
- Posted Date: 2025-01-11
- Location:Online
- This session will cover the natural history, clinical presentation and management of scabies infection and pediculosis pubis in adults.
- Sexual Health | HPV infection, including HPV relat...
- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
- Posted Date: 2025-01-11
- Location:Online
- This session explores the diagnosis and management of squamous cell lesions of the vulva, vagina and penis.