Principles Of Advanced Surgical Techniques course for Dental Practice

This session will cover the principles and techniques of surgical procedures on the periodontal tissues.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- List the different types of periodontal surgical technique
- Describe the indications, advantages and disadvantages of periodontal surgical techniques
- List the associated surgical armamentarium such as bone grafts, membranes and biological modifiers
The topic of surgical periodontal treatment is a vast one and cannot possibly be covered in any depth here and therefore this session will focus on an overview. Most of these techniques are carried out in a specialist setting.

Before commencing this session you should have knowledge of:
- The rationale for periodontal surgery
- Indications and contraindications to periodontal surgery
- Periodontal and oral anatomy, including biological width
Abisola qualified in 2010 from King’s College, London, having completed a previous degree in Biomedical science in 2006.
Following completion of her primary dental degree, Abisola worked in a Dental Access Centre as a VDP, and has a variety of general dental practice and dental core training experiences, including oral & maxillofacial surgery and restorative dentistry.

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- Location:Online
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