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Online education for allied health professionals

Speciality Classification
Allied Health

Online education for allied health professionals

Help your patients return to work sooner

ReturnToWorkAHP is a free, online course designed to provide allied health professionals with the skills, tools and knowledge to guide and progress your patients' recovery and return to work.

Developed by ReturnToWorkSA in consultation with practitioners, the course includes:

  • the health benefits of work
  • how to help patients return to work
  • video case studies
  • navigating the Return to Work scheme.

Course Overview

The health benefits of work
  • safe and meaningful work
  • effects of worklessness
  • social determinants of work
  • work and recovery
  • impact on physical, mental and social wellbeing
  • benefits of working while recovering
  • conversations with patients about the health benefits of work
  • Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services.
The Return to Work scheme
  • how do I provide services?
  • the Return to Work scheme
  • supports and services
  • fees, compensability, premiums and lump sum payments
  • disputes
  • recovery and return to work
  • graduated return to work
  • service standards.
Working with your partners
  • key parties in the Return to Work scheme
  • working as a part of a multi-disciplinary team
  • mobile claims managers
  • the doctor
  • work capacity certificates
  • communicating with the treating doctor
  • employers
  • return to work service providers
  • return to work consultants
  • job placement service providers
  • recovery and return to work plans.
Using a biopsychosocial approach
  • the biopsychosocial approach
  • boundaries of your role
  • flags - a useful resource
  • flags in different domains
  • open questions
  • psychosocial barriers
  • managing perceptions
  • self-management
  • empowering your patient
  • influencing beliefs.
Video case studies
  • Case study 1
  • Case study 2
  • Case study 3
  • Case study 4
  • Case study 5
  • Case study 6
Measure and demonstrate effectiveness of treatment
  • setting expectations
  • measuring treatment effectiveness
  • setting goals
  • working with your patient to set goals
  • treatment relationships
  • understanding your patient's job
  • challenges in goal setting
  • setting goals outside work
  • discharge and relapse.
Online education for allied health professionals
Speciality Classification
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