Managing Risk course for Dental Practice

This session defines risk in dental practice, its evaluation and its importance to the clinician and clinician manager.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Describe what risk is
- Define the various kinds of risk which may confront dental practice
- Analyse and prioritise risks
- Recall the reasons for managing risks in a dental practice
There are two broad types of risk – some (such as in stock market speculation) can have beneficial effects, whilst others threaten our success and prosperity. 'Upside' risks bring potential benefits; 'downside' risks can cause harm.
Before commencing this session you should be familiar with:
- The typical environment within which dental practice takes place
Currently Chief Dental Officer at Denplan Ltd. Following qualification at Sheffield in 1970, entered general practice, setting up independently in 1974. Served on the local BDA and LDC, and nationally with the BDA. Received Wisdom Dental Health Award in 1979 for preventive practice. Joined MDU as a full-time dento-legal advisor in 1990, received MA in Healthcare Quality Assurance from Nuffield Institute in 1995 and authored Risk Management in Dental Practice. Joined Denplan in 1995 and leads on quality assurance, professional training and clinical risk management. Awarded FDSRCS Edin (2006) and FFGDP(UK) (2011).

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- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
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- Location:Online
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