Local anaesthetic techniques in the maxilla course for Dental Practitioners

This session will detail techniques for achieving local anaesthesia in the maxilla.
Learning objectives
By the end of this session you should be able to:
- describe the basic injection techniques in the maxilla
- relate the techniques back to applied anatomy
- list the various types of nerve block
This session will describe the various techniques for the deposition of local anaesthetic solution in the maxilla, including buccal and palatal infiltrations, together with other techniques of nerve blockade.

Before commencing this session you should have knowledge of:
- the composition of local anaesthetics, perhaps by completing e-Den session in Module 3 Anxiety and pain control in dentistry/Dental local anaesthetics/Introduction to dental local anaesthesia (141-0119)
- anatomy and innervation of the maxillary teeth and supporting structures
Andrew Carr (BDS, MFDS, RCSEd) qualified from Newcastle University in 2008 and, after having completed General Professional Training, he is currently a Specialist Registrar in Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology at Newcastle Dental Hospital.
Andrew’s interests are in Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral Medicine and Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

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