Diabetes in Practice for Allied Health Professionals

This online course is for allied health professionals looking to increase their knowledge of diabetes and improve the support they provide to people living with diabetes.
This diabetes training is suitable for mental health professionals, audiologists, dietitians, exercise professionals, occupational therapists, optometrists, and dental professionals. It will benefit any allied health professional who is working with people living with diabetes and is part of the persons diabetes team. The course is 3.5 hours of continuing professional development (CPD).
After completing the Practical Diabetes for Allied Health Professionals course you will:
- Have an increased knowledge and understanding about diabetes management; what is diabetes, what causes it, what are the key signs and symptoms, how is it managed and organisations that can provide support to your clients.
- Be able to have a helpful and supportive conversation with the people you see, providing helpful information and encouraging the person to continue to look after their diabetes.
- Know how to ask the right questions, and when to refer to other health professionals for more individualised advice.
- Have the tools and resources to implement what you’ve learnt in your workplace, improving health outcomes for the people you see.
Diabetes explained
- Describe what diabetes is, signs and symptoms, and what the two underlying problems are for all types.
- Describe normal glucose metabolism.
- Describe the key features of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, including the prevalence, cause, presentation and management.
- Describe the key features of gestational diabetes.
Risk factors for type 2 diabetes
- Name the risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes.
- Identify the actions to take with people (at risk) to delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.
Managing diabetes
- Describe in which ways diabetes can be managed.
- Describe the purpose of a Diabetes Team, the different roles within the team and how it can help a person manage their diabetes.
- Describe what the diabetes Annual Cycle of Care is.
- Describe the acute and long-term diabetes-related complications.
NDSS, Diabetes organisations and Medicare
- Describe what the NDSS is, eligibility and registration process and the benefits of
- registration.
- Describe what diabetes organisations such as Diabetes Australia are and what they do to support people with diabetes. As well as how people can become members and what the benefits of membership are.
- Describe the entitlements under Medicare for people with diabetes.
- Explain the Medicare chronic disease management plan.
Talking the talk
- Describe the type of language used to engage and support people living with diabetes.
- Describe the types of positive words that can be used to encourage a positive interaction with a person living with diabetes.
After completing this course, my knowledge of the diabetes support services |
I believe this course has been a good refresher on diabetes as a practitioner. It has also made me more aware of how to communicate and educate in more laymans terms. I particularly liked the case studies.
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