Clinical Leadership in Aged Care
The purpose of this unit is to equip registered nurses who are working in the aged care sector with the knowledge and professional skills to be clinical leaders in practice. The content of the unit includes an overview of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (2018-19) and the impacts it has had on the delivery of care to older people. Other content will challenge the nurse to think critically about legal and ethical challenges they face as emerging leaders in aged care such as elder abuse, delegation and supervision of the unregulated health care workforce, capacity and guardianship skill work and adequate staffing resources as well as the effects of policy.
NOTE: Students who wish to undertake this new elective as a single unit will only require six months of experience.
EFTSL : 0.125 FTE
Credit Points : 6
Theme 1: The Royal Commission into aged care in the 21st century
Assess the impact of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety on future healthcare practice.
Theme 2: Being a clinical leader
Reflect critically on the role of the registered nurse as a clinical leader of the aged care sector.
Theme 3: Influencing change
Analyse the importance of a skilled workforce and the role of the registered nurse in ensuring quality in aged care.
Theme 4: Ethical practice
- Debate legal, ethical and concepts that impact upon nursing practice in aged care.
- Critically analyse the importance of power, policy and professionalism in influencing change in aged care practice.
- Sexual Health | Viral hepatitis | Hepatitis B: Na...
- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
- Posted Date: 2025-01-11
- Location:Online
- This session describes the natural history and presentation of patients with either acute or chronic hepatitis B virus infection, and the investigations required.
- Sexual Health | Viral hepatitis | Hepatitis A: Na...
- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
- Posted Date: 2025-01-11
- Location:Online
- This sessions describes the natural history and management of someone with hepatitis A.
- Sexual Health | Viral hepatitis | The Presentatio...
- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
- Posted Date: 2025-01-11
- Location:Online
- This sessions describes the basic approach to be taken with someone with infectious hepatitis: the history, the examination and baseline investigations.
- Sexual Health | Genital infestations | Scabies and...
- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
- Posted Date: 2025-01-11
- Location:Online
- This session will cover the natural history, clinical presentation and management of scabies infection and pediculosis pubis in adults.
- Sexual Health | HPV infection, including HPV relat...
- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
- Posted Date: 2025-01-11
- Location:Online
- This session explores the diagnosis and management of squamous cell lesions of the vulva, vagina and penis.