Anaesthesia Fundamentals | Anatomy | Hazards of Positioning and Pressure Areas
Hazards of Positioning and Pressure Areas
Session Overview
The patient positioned for surgery is vulnerable to extraneous harm. Knowledge of the common injuries and understanding of the causes of harm enables the anaesthetist to minimize the risks.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Define the problem and how it may impact on patients and their care
- Identify how vulnerable structures may become injured
- Describe the means to prevent injury
- Produce a plan to care for the patient with a suspected injury
- Explain the medico-legal issues involved with patient injury
Before commencing this session you should:
- Knowledge of anatomy, in particular in relation to peripheral nerves
- An understanding of the concept and significance of iatrogenic harm
- Understanding of the pathology of tissue injury
The human being is rarely at rest; we are always fidgeting and changing position, even whilst asleep. Rendered unconscious for any reason, these protective mechanisms are lost and the anaesthetist assumes responsibility for their patient.
In effect, this means taking on the role of the patient’s protective mechanisms and preventing injury through timely intervention where pressure or other adverse mechanical forces could cause harm.
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- Location:Online
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- Location:Online
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- Location:Online
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- Location:Online
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