Anaesthesia Fundamentals | Anatomy | Boney Orbit and Extraocular Contents
Boney Orbit and Extraocular Contents
Session Overview
Applied anatomy of the orbit and its extraocular contents.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Identify the bones that comprise the orbit and locate them on the skull
- Describe the three-dimensional space within the orbit and its basic geometry
- List the contents of the orbit
- Specify the origin, insertion and function of the extraocular muscles
- Describe the relationship of Tenon’s fascia to the globe of the eye
Recent trends have moved increasingly toward the use of regional techniques for the provision of effective anaesthesia for intraocular surgery.
Knowledge of the anatomy of the orbit and its contents is essential for the safe and successful practice of orbital regional anaesthesia.
In this session you will learn about the bones and three-dimensional space that comprise the orbit. You will also learn about the extraocular muscles that form the muscle cone and see how they work. Knowledge of the muscle cone will facilitate the practice of peribulbar and retrobulbar block.
Finally, you will see how Tenon’s fascia envelops the eye. Knowledge of Tenon’s fascia will facilitate the practice of sub-Tenon’s block.
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- Location:Online
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- Location:Online
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