Anaesthesia | Exam Preparation | The Electrocardiogram Part 3
The Electrocardiogram Part 3
Session Overview
This session contains a short revision tutorial using Multiple Choice Questions to assist candidates preparing for the Primary FRCA Examination.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Describe the ECG diagnosis of tachyarrhythmias
- Explain ECG evidence of hypertrophy
- Describe ischaemic changes and the relevant coronary territory
- Describe ECG changes associated with common electrolyte disturbances
These MCQ Tutorials are aimed at candidates preparing for the Primary FRCA examination.
MCQs written to Primary FRCA standard are used to provide a focused tutorial on important concepts and areas of the curriculum that candidates have difficulty with.
Not all areas tested in the examination are covered in these tutorials. For a comprehensive review please refer to the curriculum and e-Learning sessions within Modules 01, 02 and 07b.
In the exam setting you are likely to be presented with a copy of a 12 lead ECG or a rhythm strip on which you will be asked 5 true/false questions.
These can test anything from the basics of ECG interpretation to the multiple medical associations, electrolyte abnormalities and actions of drugs.
This session starts with a series of Primary FRCA standard MCQs to test your existing level of knowledge. This is followed by a short tutorial focusing on some of the key areas, followed by another series of MCQs to retest you knowledge.
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