Acupuncture in dentistry

This session looks at the potential role of acupuncture in anxiety and pain control in dentistry.
Learning objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- explain what is meant by the term 'acupuncture'
- list the main uses of acupuncture in the management of dental patients
- describe the basic principles of the acupuncture technique
In this session, we will consider what acupuncture is and how it can help in the management of dental patients. We will also look at the acupuncture procedure and the associated safety considerations.

Dr Iain Macleod is currently a consultant and honorary clinical senior lecturer in oral and maxillofacial radiology at the Newcastle Dental School and Hospital. Prior to moving to Newcastle, he worked for 10 years as a consultant in oral medicine and radiology at the Edinburgh Dental Institute.
Iain has a long standing interest in complimentary and alternative medicine and has written and lectured widely on the subject, in particular on the role of hypnosis and acupuncture in dental practice. He has gained both the European Certificate of Hypnosis and the Diploma in Basic Competence of the British Dental Acupuncture Society.
Outside of work he enjoys hill walking, trek biking and food!

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