This session describes the radiological investigations used in implant planning (including cone-beam computed tomography). In addition, the current se...
This session describes the prosthodontic stages of restoring dental implants. It includes the different methods of restoration that can be used for de...
This session will outline the common surgical and restorative complications encountered with dental implants. A protocol for maintenance care and foll...
Good communication within the dental team is vital for the effective delivery of dental care. Of equal importance is how we communicate with our patie...
This session describes the importance of effective communication skills when drawing up a written treatment plan and highlights the consequences of er...
This session covers the basic principles of good communication and examines some of the common communication errors that may arise during a doctor’s i...
This session explores basic principles in breaking bad news and examines how these can be employed given the reality and constraints of the working li...
This session examines how working within and across multidisciplinary teams to deliver and improve services can bring benefits to patients. This sessi...