Anaesthetists use gas cylinders every day as part of their clinical practice. This session examines the physical components of the gas cylinders, analyses the pressure changes that exist in oxygen and nitrous oxide cylinders, and explores Entonox (BOC Hea
Anaesthetists regularly use piped gas supply and suction in different parts of the hospital. This session explores the different components of the piped gas system, examines safety procedures governing its usage, and describes how it operates in conjuncti
Anaesthetists use the anaesthetic machine daily, both inside and outside the operating theatre. This session explores some of the main components of the anaesthetic machine, namely pressure gauges, regulators and flowmeters, looking at their functions and
This session provides an overview of the anaesthetic machine and examines the function, design and safety features of vaporizers and their filling devices, the emergency oxygen flush system and the oxygen supply failure alarm.
Anaesthetists spend most of their time in the operating theatre using inhalational agents. They and other theatre staff are at increased risk of occupational exposure to these agents. This session examines the risks of pollution in the operating theatre a
Anaesthetic practice involves the extensive daily use of equipment. Routine checking of this equipment is essential in the safe delivery of anaesthetic care. This session provides an overview of the principles of checking the anaesthetic equipment used in
The circle system is the most common system used during the maintenance of anaesthesia. This session explores the principles of how the circle system works and also describes the components used within it.
Oxygen and other gases are administered to patients via face masks and other devices, inside and outside the operating theatre. This session provides an overview of face masks and the variable and fixed performance oxygen delivery devices used in daily cl
This session provides an introduction to airway adjuncts, their uses and contraindications. Maintenance of the airway is of paramount importance in anaesthesia, and indeed the whole of medicine. Airway adjunct devices aid the maintenance of an open airway
This session provides an introduction to extraglottic (also known as supraglottic) airway devices. Maintenance of the airway is of paramount importance in anaesthesia and, indeed, the whole of medicine. These devices allow hands-free maintenance of an ope