This session is an introduction to the assessment of acute pain. It will cover history taking and physical examination, concentrating on the measurement of pain, particularly the use of simple unidimensional tools.
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly prescribed to relieve acute and postoperative pain. It is therefore important to understand the mechanism of their action, side effects and complications of administration.
This session introduces commonly available opioids. It then goes on to discuss their associated side effects and clinical management of these side effects.
This session describes the principles of opioid therapy in particular dose titration and analgesic failure. It discusses how to control some of the adverse effects of opioid therapies.
This module will enable you to use patient controlled analgesia (PCA) techniques according to patient need and to manage common problems and side-effects.
This session looks at the action of opioids given by epidural and intrathecal routes and considers the key adverse effects; it will enable you to execute a management strategy for these adverse effects.