This session gives a framework of how to assess pain as an essential first step to appropriate pain management. This session was reviewed by Jo Elverson and last updated in September 2022.
This session provides a framework for the assessment of physical and cognitive deterioration in function in end-of-life care patients. This session was reviewed by Richard Kitchen and last updated in January 2020.
This session describes the physiological processes underlying nausea and vomiting and offers a framework for working out the causes of nausea and vomiting, as a basis for assessment and management of these problems. The session focuses on patients with ad
This session discusses the different aspects that need consideration in effectively communicating the management plan to the patient and family/carers, and to all professionals and services involved in the patient’s care. This session was reviewed
This session reviews the use of drugs and oxygen within an integrated approach to the management of breathlessness in the patient approaching the end of life. This session was reviewed by Natasha Lovell and Sarah Hanrott and last updated in April 2024.
This session outlines an integrated approach to pain management considering the WHO analgesic ladder and also highlighting the importance of an individualised approach. This session was reviewed by Richard Kitchen, and was last updated in May 2021.
This session provides a general approach to the assessment of symptoms, an essential first step before a plan for symptom management and care can be started. This session was reviewed by Sarah Hanrott and last updated in April 2024.
This session discusses the role of cultural influences and patients’ individual preferences on symptom management and care plans. This session was reviewed by Zoebia Islam and Sarah Hanrott and last updated in April 2023.
This session discusses how to deal with transition points and crises, both in terms of initial management options and how these options can be explained and discussed with patients approaching the end of life and their relatives and carers. The ways in wh
As the end of life approaches, patients with either advanced cancer or other progressive life-limiting illnesses may experience a reduction in their cognitive function, such as forgetfulness, confusion or agitation. This session provides a framework for t