This session considers the safety and effectiveness of contraception in individuals with a raised BMI. It also includes some practical considerations....
This session will explore the different contraceptive needs for individuals over 40, and which methods of contraception are safe and suitable for wome...
This session will help frontline healthcare staff to identify victims of modern slavery and take appropriate action to address their health and safety...
This session gives a framework for recognising and managing anxiety in patients with advanced disease. This session was reviewed by Felicity Wood and last updated in May 2023.
This session gives a framework for assessing and managing loss of appetite (anorexia), weight loss and cachexia in patients near the end of their lives. This session was reviewed by Amy Proffitt and Christina Faull and last updated in December 2015.
This session gives a framework of how to assess breathlessness as an essential first step to appropriate management in the patient approaching the end of life.This session was reviewed by Richard Kitchen and last updated in September 2021.
This session gives a framework of how to assess constipation as an essential first step in appropriate management of constipation. This session was reviewed by Rachel Lee and last updated in May 2023.
This session provides a framework for the assessment of mood as an essential first step to appropriate management of depression. It was reviewed eviewed by Dr Felicity Wood and Sarah Hanrott and last updated in May 2023.
This session provides a framework for the assessment of nausea and vomiting as a first step to appropriate management. This session was reviewed by Sarah Hanrott and last updated in 2023.