This session introduces the concept of integration as the reverse of differentiation. It shows the connection between integration and the evaluation of areas under lines and curves.
The session introduces the subject of calculus. This is the mathematics of change. The two main branches of the subject are differential calculus and integral calculus. This session deals with the topic of differentiation which has many applications in sc
This session consolidates and builds upon previous sessions about the use of mathematical tools. <br><br>These tools are an essential component of many physiological models that the anaesthetist may need to use.
This session builds upon the model in the previous session, and introduces a graphical approach to input-output problems. <br><br>A graphical depiction allows visualization of simultaneous variation of CO2 and alveolar ventilation in the mode
This session considers the relationship of alveolar ventilation and the resulting arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO2), and shows how this model can be applied to make further predictions in appropriate circumstances.
This session describes the initial resuscitation for the patient with sepsis and septic shock. It focuses on the resuscitation and initial cardiovascular management of sepsis.
This session describes how to assess a patient with suspected sepsis and recognize the differential diagnoses in suspected sepsis both on admission to hospital and in hospital.
This session discusses the definition of and spectrum of pneumonia, its presentation, likely aetiological agents, an approach to the management of community- acquired pneumonia (CAP), empiric treatment strategies, and the approach adopted for the care of