This session defines non-parametric data and contrasts it with parametric data. The use of transformations of non-parametric data is discussed briefly. The session also covers the choice of an appropriate statistical test when analyzing non-parametric dat
This session defines categorical data and considers how they may be presented in tables and graphs. It also covers the choice of an appropriate statistical test when analyzing categorical data.
This session looks at ways of assessing relationships between two variables using scatterplots and by determining the mathematical relationship between two correlated variables. The use of Bland-Altman plots to compare two different methods of measurement
This session explores how samples taken from different normally distributed populations may be compared, even though the population means and variances are unknown. The two-sample (unpaired) t-test is introduced for the comparison of sample means, and th
This session introduces the use of confidence intervals to give a measure of the uncertainty surrounding point estimation of population parameters from sample statistics, with particular reference to the mean.
This session reviews the relationship between population and sample, and introduces the concept of point estimation. The uncertainty about any estimated value is discussed with reference to making clinical decisions based on summary values identified in c
This session introduces some fundamental ideas in the approach to random phenomena and some important concepts in probability and statistics through a clinical example.