This session describes patient review on the ward following major surgery, the issues that may require attention as a result of the surgery and the potential complications of anaesthesia and surgery, and provides a systematic approach to the management of
This session describes the function of a recovery facility, the most common problems likely to be encountered in post-operative patients, and makes suggestions for the management of these problems.
This session describes the usual sequence of events in an anaesthetic in which the patient is ventilated via a tracheal tube (TT). The practicalities of induction, maintenance and recovery are considered.
This session describes an anaesthetic in which the patient is breathing spontaneously via a laryngeal mask airway (LMA). The practicalities of induction, maintenance and recovery are considered.
This session covers basic equipment, appropriate preparation for laryngoscopy and a step-by-step guide to a sound technique for laryngoscopy. The session also covers grading the view of the larynx on laryngoscopy.
This session introduces the cLMA (classic laryngeal mask airway), covering its history and development through to usage, indications, contraindications and complications.