This session will be an introduction to critical care medicine for someone who has very little previous experience of the specialty. It provides a structured approach to the clinical management and introduces some commonly used terminology.
This session describes patient review on the ward following major surgery, the issues that may require attention as a result of the surgery and the potential complications of anaesthesia and surgery, and provides a systematic approach to the management of
This session illustrates the importance of effective airway maintenance in the recovery room, why oxygen therapy is required and how it can be safely and effectively administered.
This session outlines the basic definitions of local and regional anaesthesia (LA and RA), and advises when to use each as a sole technique and when to use in combination with general anaesthesia (GA). It also covers consent issues, minimal safety standar
This session describes why history and examination are important when planning anaesthesia. Identifying factors putting the patient at additional risk should be identified prior to surgery so that peri-operative planning can take them into account.
This session explores the preoperative issues of <br><br>(1) Restriction of oral food and fluid prior to anaesthesia and <br><br>(2) Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis, to increase patient safety and decrease perioperative morbidity.