This session describes the preoperative visit. The visit confirms that the preadmission assessment service has prepared the patient, home and hospital so that scheduled surgery may proceed safely. The patient decides whether they are happy for you to anae
This session explores the preoperative issues of <br><br>(1) Restriction of oral food and fluid prior to anaesthesia and <br><br>(2) Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis, to increase patient safety and decrease perioperative morbidity.
This session outlines the equipment and drugs used during the perioperative period, and the importance of adequate preparation and preoperative checks. It explains the special considerations relevant to using controlled drugs in the theatre environment.
This session outlines the members of the anaesthesia team in an operating theatre, and describes their interactions with the teams involved in preoperative assessment, acute pain management and critical care. It explains the importance of working as a tea
This session covers basic knowledge of tracheostomies and laryngectomies including:<br><br>• The difference between tracheostomy and laryngectomy and why<br> this is critically important<br>• Relevant anatomy and physiology<br>•
Anaesthetists measure the inflow and outflow of gases within the breathing system in order to monitor the internal milieu. This session examines the ways to measure inhaled and exhaled carbon dioxide and its implications.
Continuous ECG monitoring is widely used inside and outside the hospital to monitor the electrical activity of the myocardium. This session provides an overview of ECG monitoring and functionality, and examines the issues that might affect and interfere w
This session provides an overview of the various types of tracheostomy tube and the appropriate clinical uses for each. The session also includes an overview of the equipment available for performing emergency cricothyrotomy.