This session will describe the anatomy of the brachial plexus and how it is related to other structures within the neck and upper arm. It will also describe the anatomy of the major nerves formed by the brachial plexus, and the sensory dermatomes and musc
This session describes the sensory and motor nerve supply of the lower limb and foot. This knowledge is essential for the successful performance of lower limb blocks.
Applied anatomy of the eyeball and its contents. This session describes the main layers of the eye and explains their composition and function. It also looks at some common pathological ocular conditions.
This session covers the anatomy of the sacrum, coccyx and sacral hiatus. It describes the intervertebral discs and spinal ligaments, and the vertebral levels of some of the surface markings of the body. The different types of spina bifida are reviewed.
This session describes the bones of the facial skeleton and skull vault. The important muscles that move the mandible are described. The classification and positions of fracture lines commonly seen following trauma to the face and surgical osteotomy are a
This session describes the anatomy of the upper and lower limbs, concentrating on the bones and joints. Particular attention is paid to those bones and joints that are of importance to the anaesthetist.