This session describes the basis for, and management of, pain during pregnancy and labour, including non-pharmacological, pharmacological and neuraxia...
This session describes the key concepts of drug addiction and dependency that relate to patients who are in pain and who also have a history of substa...
This session covers paediatric tracheostomy including when it may be required, the complications that may occur, choice of tube and the training of ca...
This session covers bronchiectasis: definition, aetiology, history and examination findings. At the end there are two short sections discussing cystic...
This session covers the philosophy of palliative care for children and young people. It will outline viewpoints, categories and models of children’s p...
This session outlines the principles of clinical governance, including how clinical governance works for individual clinicians, and how clinical gover...
This session explains the term outcomes, the methods commonly used to assess quality, and the contribution of monitoring to ensuring standards are met...