This session uses a video clip to demonstrate how to carry out a focused, problem-based physical (neurological and targeted cardiovascular) on a patie...
This session uses a video clip to demonstrate how to carry out a focused, problem-based physical examination on a patient presenting with hand pain in...
This session explores how to ensure optimal physical health and emotional well-being for people living with dementia. It will look at ways to prevent,...
This session describes the various types of pain experienced by cancer patients and reviews the causes of these pain types, generally, and with refere...
This session describes the principles of the pharmacological management of cancer pain including a review of strong opioids and adjuvant analgesics.
This session describes the assessment of pain in paediatric practice highlighting the different methodologies used when assessing acute and chronic pa...
This session describes the principles of delivering effective analgesic management to children in acute pain associated with ongoing illness, surgery,...