Bleeding from stress ulcer disease remains a significant medical problem in critically ill patients and thus is an important topic for trainees to be aware of. This session will cover the rationale, treatment options and issues related to stress ulcer pro
This session introduces the basic principles and the importance of nutrition and, explains why nutrition in the critically ill differs from healthy subjects. It highlights the difficulties that arise with the delivery of nutrients and describes the common
This session will describe how pain in the intensive care unit (ICU) is multi-factorial and difficult to assess. It will show how potentially useful drugs may also have adverse effects and how non-pharmacological treatment effects must be maximized. <br>
This session covers the key considerations when using neuromuscular blockers in the critically-ill patient. It will cover their main indications, monitoring and complications in the critical care unit.
This session describes a rational approach to the use of intravenous fluids in critical care based on a modern understanding of the physiology of fluid homeostasis, and on the available evidence in this area.
This session describes the commonly occurring nosocomial infections in critical care and the common sites of infection. A description of standard infection control practices, emphasizing the importance of adhering to these procedures, is provided.